Can Dogs Eat Plums

Can Dogs Eat Plums? Life Is The Pits!

Our friend asked us the other day if dogs can eat plums? His pooch found some laying under his tree in the backyard and decided to try some out. He was not sure how much his dog had consumed and was worried about the possible consequences. This led us to a great question-and-answer conversation that we thought we could bring forward here “Can Dogs Eat Plums”?

Can Dogs Eat Plums?

Of course, dogs can have plums. There is nothing wrong with plumbs as a supplement to their diet occasionally without the pit. These tasty treats are a delightful way to uptake nutrition and we can consume these wonderful snacks together.

There are some things to take into consideration before we feed plums to our furry friends that are important to know before plums become a supplemental part of their doggie diet.

Because plums are in most cases considered safe for dogs to eat, it is important not to go overboard with these tasty treats. Eating too many plums can cause tummy upset and or diarrhea in your four-legged friend.

Typically if your dog is eating a species-specific diet, plums are not something that they have a natural drive for eating unless they are hungry or they have an unnatural diet that is mostly basic kibble that is high in carbohydrates and creates a drive for sweets.


It is important to note here that if dogs are eating the whole plum, the pits of the plumb contain amygdalin that converts to cyanide in the absorption process, and should not be consumed at all.

There is not enough amygdalin in one pit to be lethal to your dog but more importantly, we don’t want our faithful companions choking on the pit either not to mention intestinal issues.

If you think your dog has consumed a plum with a pit, they have a short digestive tract and in most cases will pass the pit in their stool. But keep a close watch for intestinal discomfort and the possible need to see your holistic vet.

Dried Organic Plums Without the Seed Are Best

Dried organic plums without the seed are the ticket if you want to share with your dog. Or take a bite out of the plum remove the pit and give your dog the meat of the plum.

If I am eating something and my dog asks me for a sample, most of the time they sniff it and eat it or they pass on the offering. This goes for plums as well.

Just remember NO PITS!

Can Dogs Eat Plum Pits?

NO! Always remove the pit from the plum before giving your dog the plum piece. Not to mention that the seed is a choking hazard and can create an intestinal blockage. Also, the pit of a plum contains amygdalin which when digested converts to cyanide in their body which is toxic to dogs.

The plum flesh itself is very nutritious. Never give or allow your dog to ingest the pit. AGAIN! NO PITS!

Are Plums Good for Dogs?

are plums good for dogs

What’s the Nutritional Value of Plums for Dogs?

We like Plums which are very nutritious for us and our dogs. Plums have beneficial levels of important vitamins and minerals including Vitamin C, Thiamine, Calcium, Potassium, Manganese, and Iron. 

A good rule of thumb is that nearly all fruits and vegetables contain some amounts of nutrition and antioxidants. These help to promote your pet’s overall health and wellbeing. So, introducing fresh fruits and vegetables into your dog’s diet is a great way to maintain their overall health.

Each dog will have their own taste for the new variety of food that you introduce to its diet. Some will accept it while others will turn their nose up at the new offering.

Plums aren’t poisonous for dogs but the contents of the pit are. Eating too much of the meat of the plum can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, and other uncomfortable digestive issues. This is especially true if your dog eats more than one plum in a short period of time.

Do Plums Have Any Other Health Benefits? Yes! In addition to promoting better health, there are a few other reasons why plums are great for dogs. For example, plums can help increase your pet’s natural immunity. This is very important, especially during peak allergy seasons.

Plums also contain large amounts of fiber – making it much easier for constipated pups to maintain regularity and avoid painful bowel issues. Again, always in moderation.

How Can I Introduce Plums to My Dog?

It’s important to start slow when introducing your pup to new foods. Start by offering your dog a small amount of plum. Also, allow them to get used to the taste before making it more available.

For best results, introduce plums into your dog’s diet gradually over time. Do this while paying attention to any signs of stomach upset or sensitivities.

Are There Any Other Things I Need to Know About Feeding Plums to my Dog?

Yes! While plums are generally considered safe for dogs, there are some precautions you should take. Do this before deciding whether or not this is the right fruit for your pup.

For example, plums should never be given to dogs with diarrhea. Why? the fruit could worsen their symptoms. Additionally, you should always keep an eye on your dog’s overall health after feeding them new food. This is important because some dogs may have reactions to the new fruit.

Plums are incredible fruits that provide pups with lots of healthy vitamins and minerals – which makes them great for promoting good health!

For example, while plums are generally safe for dogs, feeding them too many could lead to unwanted weight gain. Furthermore, keep a close eye on your pup after introducing plums into their diet because some pups may have stomach upset.

With that being said, if you’re looking for a healthy way to add fruit to your dog’s diet without worrying about the effects it might have on their digestive system, then plums can definitely be a great addition!

Can Dogs Eat Plums When Pregnant?

Another good question is! “Can Dogs Eat Plums When Pregnant?” The straight answer is yes! However, you should only give a small serving of plum to mom’s meal and only if she wants it or has asked for it.

Are Plums Safe for Puppies?

Yes, if given in moderation, plums are safe for puppies! Some holistic veterinarians even go so far as to say that you should feed this fruit to nursing mothers because it can help increase milk production. That being said, you still want to ensure that you always give your puppy these fruits as a minimal supplement in moderation to prevent stomach upset and loose stool.

What If My Dog Is Allergic to Plums?

If your dog is allergic to plums, do not feed them this fruit. If an allergic reaction has occurred contact your local holistic veterinarian. Plums can in sensitive dogs trigger digestive issues if consumed in excess.

Plums can trigger certain skin sensitivities in some pets. If your pup seems extra itchy after eating this fruit, stop feeding the fruit and again contact your holistic veterinarian for advice on how to proceed.

Can Dogs Really Eat Plums If They Have Diabetes?

If your dog has diabetes, some vets say absolutely not and some say that they could eat small amounts of plums to help regulate blood sugar levels and promote overall well-being. However, you should still make sure that if your pet is dealing with a health condition consult your holistic vet or animal health nutritionist for guidance.

Can Dogs Eat Plums While On A Diet?

can dogs have plums while on a diet

Yes! Plums may even aid in weight loss because they contain large amounts of fiber and other nutrients, making them a nice supplement to their diet.

Plums are incredible fruits that provide pups with lots of healthy vitamins and minerals – making them a great supplement for promoting good health! If you’re looking for a healthy way to add fruit to your dog’s diet, then plums are a great addition in moderation!

The Importance Of A Raw Food Diet For Your Dog

In this post, can dogs eat plums we would also like to add the importance of a raw food diet on the overall health and longevity of your dog. We have had tremendous success with our animal’s ailments and illnesses by learning about and implementing raw food diets for our dogs and cats.

A raw food diet is a complete and balanced blend of raw meat, fruits, vegetables, and bone.

We can not emphasize enough the necessity of clean water. Not tap water! But clean water preferably spring water to complement the diet. Reverse Osmoses water if the minerals have been restored to the water if you have to use tap water.

When we started our raw food diet journey for our animals it was walking out of the darkness into the light of health for our animals and ourselves.

Our Personal Lessons Related To Feeding Kibble

From our personal experience, we fed bags of pure kibble to our dogs and cats for the sake of simplicity. We did not know the ramifications of feeding this type of diet to our animals. Over time, we began to make the correlation of feeding kibble to the physical ailments and behavioral attributes in our animals and it was a journey of love to relearn how to feed a species-specific diet.

It is important to note here that we started to make changes to our own diets because we were brought new insights through our animal’s diets at the time and how we began to seek out the knowledge necessary for our own recoveries to personal health and well-being.

Our animals were and are our greatest teachers.

It is really important to know how dogs systems have evolved from the wild to now and in that evolution lies the key to what and how we should feed our dogs cats and animals.

Plums Can Be Great For Your Dog But…

Take heed that moderation is imperative with plums and any fruit. So, while plums can be great for your dog, be sure to speak with your holistic veterinarian or animal nutritionist before offering them any fruit.

How To Feed Plums Safely to Dogs

While plums are generally considered safe for dogs, it’s important you keep the following ideas in mind before deciding to treat your four-legged friend! With that said we have had many dogs and they all have had different ways of approaching food and snacks in general. From dumpster divers that had no discretion and ate everything to full blow foodies that would only eat certain foods prepared for them.

Don’t feed your dog too many plums at once. This fruit contains high amounts of sugar so not too much when introducing them to your dog’s diet. Also, plums have a lot of fiber that can help things move along, so to avoid loose stool eating more than one or two is all that is necessary as a snack or meal addition, and that is if your dog is interested in plums anyway.

Always remove the pit when eating plums raw. Just as we would remove the pit from the plum for our own consumption whether raw or dried. Also, do not forget dried plums are a great snack for us and we can introduce small pieces as a treat or a garnish to our dog’s meal.

Tips For Making Plums Part Of Your Dog’s Diet

The following tips will help you make the best choices about whether or not to feed your pup this delicious fruit. Keep these in mind before adding plums to your dog’s food bowl!

Watch them closely – depending on your dog’s tummy and their ability to eat and digest new foods plums can give them indigestion.

Give Your Dog Time To Adjust – Many dogs aren’t used to eating fruits, so it might take time before they become accustomed to consuming this ingredient in their diet. Many dogs love plums straight away, but others need to get used to the taste.

If you notice any discomfort when feeding your pup these fruits for the first time, stop feeding the plums and at the next feeding reduce the portion size and mix them in across other meals so that they can acclimate. You may find that plums don’t agree with your dog’s diet as a treat or food supplement.

Limit Their Intake – It’s common sense, but it needs to be said…plums are still a type of fruit and shouldn’t make up a significant portion of your dog’s diet. They should only serve as a tasty treat or a garnish to the food bowl from time to time!


In answer to the question, “Can Dogs Eat Plums?” The answer is that plums are generally considered safe for dogs to eat in moderation.

The truth is, plums are an enjoyable fruit that can be safely fed in moderation to dogs. Remember, your dog will likely need some time to adjust to this new fruit. So, as you introduce plums to their diet be patient and add slowly if they approve!

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